Teacher perspective within the prison: a case study in Ecuador.
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Prisión Teacher

How to Cite

Sumba, . N., Cueva, J., & Poveda, M. E. (2019). Teacher perspective within the prison: a case study in Ecuador. Revista Sarance, (42), 165-185. Retrieved from https://revistasarance.ioaotavalo.com.ec/index.php/revistasarance/article/view/774


The main objective of the research was to analyze the current state of higher education in prisons, from the perspective of one of its main actors: the university professor, the method used to achieve the stated objective was the synthetic analytical supported by observation processes , bibliographic review and application of questionnaires to gather the different points of view of the teachers who have participated in these initiatives; and in this way to collect and systematize their experiences. As a result, it was found that those deprived of freedom who participate in the educational process have a positive attitude for the development of academic activities, while the teacher’s mood in this context fl uctuates between anxiety, tension and fear. In conclusion, university teaching should be supported by training in the design and implementation of didactic proposals according to the prison context.

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